Service Overview
PPI Tax Reclaims
Millions of people have enjoyed successful PPI claims with many millions paid out by lenders over the years, Claimsure Ltd claims management has contributed to this number over the last 10 years. The deadline for making PPI claims passed on 29 August 2019, but a further claim can be made for the repayment of PPI Tax which was automatically deducted by the lender when the PPI claim was settled.
This claim can be made on each refund you received in the last 4 years and could be worth £1000s.
How It Works
You get statutory interest (at 8% a year, but not compounded) on the total of both those sums, for each year since you got the PPI. This element of your refund is liable to be taxed (usually at 20%).
However, in April 2016 the ‘personal savings allowance’ was introduced by HMRC which allows taxpayers to earn up to £1,000 a year tax-free on their savings. This included the statutory interest paid on PPI claims.
Since then, while most savings interest has been paid ‘gross’, ie, without any tax being taken off, PPI still has 20% automatically deducted by the banks at source.
If ANY of the a below apply you may be due Compensation:
- You received a PPI Payment after April 2016
- You earn less than £50000
- You have not been declared bankrupt, or in a debt management scheme
- You are not self-employed
- You have not already claimed your PPI Tax refund
We have partnered up with a leading calculation and Tax specialist. If you do decide to pursue a claim, we have negotiated that they will initially pursue your claim for FREE, you will only be charged if they are successful.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why have I not received a Claim Pack
Our Packs are normally sent via an email link and are instant, so please check your spam folder if you have not received an email. If we do not have your email address, then we send the pack in the post.
If you have waited for more than 7 days after asking for a pack in the post, you can either:
- email us at and we can arrange for your forms to be re-sent to you
- or download the Pack from our site.
Are the forms complicated?
Any forms we send to you allow us to act on your behalf and will have most of the necessary information filled in – the most important thing you need to do is simply read, sign and return them to us.
The first thing you will receive from us will be your Letter(s) of Authority. These forms allow us to contact your lender to start the PPI Check process.
If we need more information, we will contact you. We have a dedicated web page for providing further information and will direct you there for quick and easy process. If we need something more bespoke we will email you or call you directly.
Can you help me complete the forms?
Any form we send to you will have most of the information needed. We strongly recommend that if we ask you for information that you provide it to us using our dedicated web page. If on the rare occasion we do ask you to complete the form, then you can ask for help by emailing
Our fees are 35% + VAT of the total settlement. If we are unsuccessful there will be no charges whatsoever. For more information around fees please see out terms and conditions
How Long will the process take?
The whole process can take between 8 to 12 weeks. However, should HMRC ask for more information or your submission is made during the end of the financial year (April) then the process can take longer.
I have returned my pack but not heard anything from you?
Once all of the documentation has been returned, the file needs to be checked to confirm that we are in receipt of everything that we need. If anything is missing we will contact you and ask you to provide the necessary information.
How do I know what is going on with my claim?
At every key stage of your complaint we will write to you to notify you what is happening. If we need any information from you during the claim we will ring you to ask for it. We will also use text messages and emails to communicate with you, so it is important that you keep us updated with any changes in your contact details.
Why do you need my National Insurance Number?
In the same way a bank uses a Policy number or account number to identify you, the HMRC uses your National Insurance Number. HMRC will not speak or deal with us unless we are able to provide them with your National Insurance Number. Therefore, unless you can provide us with your National Insurance Number, we will be unable to act on your behalf.
I cannot find my National Insurance Number, can you help?
You can find your National Insurance number on your payslip, P60, or letters about tax, pensions and benefits.
If you are still unable to find your National Insurance Number then you will need to either call HMRC and answer a few simple questions, or Complete a CA5403 form and send it to HMRC. The first option is the fastest, but should you not be able to answer the questions, then a form will need to be sent. We can help you with this.
I have received a letter from HMRC saying my claim has been successful, what do I do?
HMRC sends a letter to you and to us at the same time, so we should receive this letter at the same time. A few days after that we should received a cheque which we need to check the figures match our records and then bank the cheque.
Once the cheque is banked and the money released to us we will send you either a cheque, or make a bank transfer to your nominated account. This process should not take longer than 14 days, but on occasion it can take a little longer. Please be aware that we cannot release money unless you have passed our anti Money Laundering Checks.
Should you received a cheque, we will be notified and we will contact you regarding our fees.
The letter from HMRC states the settlement figure, is this correct?
Part of our investigation is to work out how much we expect the settlement to be. When we received the outcome we check this against our records. You do not need to do anything, we will verify the sum is correct.
When will I get your Invoice?
Our Fees are deducted from your settlement, and when we sent you your cheque you will also receive a breakdown of our fee calculation.
I do not understand your Invoice – What should I do?
We try to keep our billing processes as simple as possible, however, if you do not understand the charges after reading this Information Suite and the literature we have sent previously,